Selected Works


Open Wave Field Synthesis (2024)

with Max Hunter

A modular system for prototyping spatial audio experiences.


Infraordinary FM (2023)

with Seb Emina, a commission for Lab'Bel Laboratoire Artistique.

An automated radio station that delivers reliable, real-time information about quotidian happenings around the world.


Aerials (2022)

Amplifying the electronic traces silently broadcast by our personal electronic devices


Living Symphonies (2014-2023)

with James Bulley

A sound installation that grows in the same as as a forest ecosystem, heard through the undergrowth and canopy of the forest itself, commissioned by Forestry Commission England and Sound And Music.


Maelstrom (2011-2022)

with James Bulley

Hundreds of hours of user-created audio is uploaded to the internet every minute, a figure that is increasing exponentially. Maelstrom is a sound installation that draws on this material in real time, constructing shifting walls of sound from thousands of audio fragments.


Vespers (2015)

with James Bulley

A drawing machine that creates musical scores in real-time, drawn from the online activity of the United Kingdom.


Windows Startup Sounds, Slowed 4000% (2015)

A 20th anniversary homage to six microscopic pieces of sound design.


Phantom Terrains (2014)

with Frank Swain

An experimental platform for always-on sonification of wireless signals, rendering audible the invisible network landscapes that surround us.


Global Breakfast Radio (2014)

with Seb Emina

An autonomous radio station continuously streaming live radio from wherever the sun is rising.

Radio Reconstructions

Radio Reconstructions (2012)

with James Bulley

A sound installation which uses indeterminate radio broadcasts as its raw material, scanning the radio waves in real time in search of new audio fragments to incorporate.

The Listening Machine

The Listening Machine (2012)

with Peter Gregson, a commission for BBC/Arts Council's The Space

A six-month-long orchestral sonification, translating the real-time interactions of 500 UK-based Twitter users into musical patterns. Combines natural language processing and algorithmic composition with a vast array of orchestral fragments recorded with the Britten Sinfonia chamber orchestra.

Horizontal Transmission

Horizontal Transmission (2011)

A digital simulation of bacterial communication mechanisms.

Variable 4

Variable 4 (2010)

with James Bulley, a commission from Aldeburgh Music

An outdoor sound installation that translates weather conditions into musical patterns in real time.

Prime Composition

Prime Composition (2009)

A short piece that sonifies the integer number line, based on on the decomposition of successive numbers into their prime factors.


AtomSwarm (2008)

a commission for Space-Net 2007

A platform for sonic improvisation based on the swarming behaviours seen in large groups of insects or birds. Within these collectives, each individual operates under a set of very simple rules, but the swarm as a whole appears to exhibit astoundingly complex and adaptive behaviours, capable of responding rapidly to new environments.

Map of a Micro-Community

Map of a Micro-Community (2007)

A lightbox piece visualising the changing structure of an online community, depicting the growth and flux of its usage over an 18-month period.

Map of a Micro-Community

L-systems (2007)

Plant growth modelling using Processing and Lindenmayer Systems, created for They Did magazine.

Map of a Micro-Community

Score treatments (2006)

Musical scores subjected to processes found within digital music production: granulation, timestretching, mathematical repetition, and cut-and-splice collage.